Friday, August 1, 2008

End the Insanity

I was born during a Republican administration. But this administration didn't lie, cheat, and lead the nation into war. Under Eisenhower, our country moved forward. A general, he presided over peaceful times. His greatest legacy was the interstate highway system we still use.

Nixon had many flaws. Things really began to go downhill, though, in 1980 with the dawning of the Reagan legacy. For the last 28 years I have watched my country decline steadily in common sense and general intelligence, misled by those who use pithy slogans and ignore the true challenges facing us.

I hope we have reached the bottom. George W. Bush is in the White House. Unemployment and inflation are rapidly rising. Wars of invasion are being fought in two countries. Cynicism rules the land. And the American people have reached the point where many do not trust a leader who can speak well or show intelligence. We've become so used to the incompetence of G. W. Bush.

We have the opportunity to choose a new leader in November. Will we opt for the intelligent man with good ideas, or will we go with the one who graduated near the bottom of his class? Will we respect insightful oratory, or are we more drawn to character assassination? Those questions wouldn't have needed to be asked before 1980. That's how far our country has fallen.

I support Barack Obama and I did not drink the Kool-Aid. I read his policy statements and compared them with those of Hillary Clinton, as well as other Democratic candidates. Going into the general election I had some small respect for John McCain. That has disappeared in the dust of his negative ads.

I never thought of Obama as "the Messiah" or any other such nonsense. He's a grounded, intelligent individual who can tackle the numerous problems our country faces. That's all.

I'm tired of playing games. Let's end the insanity.